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BuildGuidesBuild an E2E Dapp with Aptos

Build an End-to-End Dapp on Aptos

A common way to learn a new framework or programming language is to build a simple todo list. In this tutorial, we will learn how to build an end-to-end todo list dapp, starting from the smart contract side through the front-end side and finally use of a wallet to interact with the two.

See the completed code in the source-code.


After meeting the prerequisites and getting set up as described below, you will follow this tutorial in this order:

  1. Create a smart contract
  2. Set up a frontend
  3. Fetch Data from Chain
  4. Submit data to chain
  5. Handle Tasks


You must have:

Although we will explain some React decisions, we are not going to deep dive into how React works; so we assume you have some previous experience with React.


In this section, we will create a my-first-dapp directory to hold our project files, both client-side code (React based) and the Move code (our smart contract).

For that, we will be using create-aptos-dapp to create the project.

  1. Open a terminal and navigate to the desired directory for the project (for example, the Desktop directory).
  2. Run npx create-aptos-dapp@latest to create the project.
npx create-aptos-dapp@latest
  1. Follow the instructions to create the project.
  • Choose a name for the project, for example my-first-dapp.
  • Choose the Full-stack project option.
  • Choose the Boilerplate Template option.
  • For simplicity, choose not to use Surf.
  • Choose the Vite app framework option.
  • Choose the Devnet network option.

The tool will create the project in a directory with the same name as the project and install the required dependencies.

Follow the Next Steps instructions.

Now let’s create a smart contract.